The greatest playwright in the world is God

When we look back on our lives, when we record our lives with a pen, we will discover and deeply understand that no one's life is ordinary. Every person has a unique script, and we are the directors, actors, and writers of our own legendary stories.

Writing about our life experiences is a powerful human need. We all yearn to leave a record of our personal struggles, life journeys, thoughts, and emotions. This is not just a cold record of past experiences, but a way to express our emotions and spirit. Writing about our experiences is not just a privilege of famous people, but a right that every ordinary person who has experienced wind and rain can enjoy.

The greatest playwright in the world is God, who uses life, aging, sickness, and death as the framework, weaving sorrow and joy into our lives. He wants to add another chapter to our life script. Major events are decided by God, and the rest is written by us. In this world, every person has a unique life script that is worth recording and sharing.

Whether it's legendary heroes like Alexander the Great, Napoleon, or modern successful people like Jobs and Musk, their success stories are the result of their own writing and acting. And our ordinary lives also have extraordinary aspects. Every person has their own dreams, desires, and goals, which are the main plots of our script. We play different roles on the stage of life: as children, we inherit family traditions and values; as friends, we accompany each other through thick and thin; as professionals, we strive for excellence. Our lives are a complex drama composed of countless scripts.

Every era has its unique background and atmosphere, making our scripts even more rich and colorful. We are witnesses and participants in our time. The script given to us by God is the foundation of our lives, and we tell our own stories through our choices and efforts.

Walking in the old city's streets, we can feel the history and culture embedded in this land. These old houses and alleys are like God's props, adding a special texture to our lives. Every worn wall is like a book, telling the story it has witnessed. As we walk through these streets, we are also writing our own stories.

The process of writing about our experiences is also a process of self-discovery and growth. When we review our past experiences, we can better understand our values, beliefs, and emotions. We can learn from past mistakes, gain insights from successes and challenges, and apply these experiences to our future lives.

Writing about our experiences is not just a way to recall the past; it can also become our legacy, passed down to future generations. By recording our stories, we can let our descendants understand our lives, values, and wisdom. They can gain insights from our experiences and weave new stories into their own scripts.

Writing about our experiences is also a way to share and connect with others. We can share our stories, resonate with others, and establish a connection. Our stories may inspire others, giving them courage and strength. And when we listen to others' stories, we can broaden our horizons, understanding different perspectives and values.

Whether through writing, oral storytelling, or other forms of expression, recording our experiences is a valuable activity. It can help us record and understand our own lives, share with others, pass down to future generations, and connect with other people's stories. Every person's life script is worth writing and showcasing, because they are unique and precious."



李福兆先生 他造就了今時香港在環球股市中的地位

李香蘭(Yamaguchi Yoshiko) #《夜来香》

Debut Joint Talk on Lingnan and YouTube